The Enlightenment Books Project at Pomona College: A Bibliographical Checklist of Eighteenth-Century Editions
Download information

You are free to download this data and use for your own purposes. We ask that you acknowledge this project if you use this data, but you are welcome to change it according to your research needs. If you find that we made an error, or, if you have suggestions for improvement, please let us know by emailing Gary Kates.

The database will download as a text file with each database field separated by a tab, known as a TSV file (Tab Separated Values). There are two versions to download, differing in how international characters are encoded. The first downloaded database (encoded as UTF-8) will diplay them correctly in a text editor, or the Mac spreadsheet application Numbers. The second should display international characters correctly in the Windows version of Excel (encoded as Windows-1252).

DATABASE UNDER DEVELOPMENT: We are still in the process of cleaning and adding entries to this database. There are currently known issues with some formatting code and character display errors that we are resolving.